/* * Code generation for system model 'PWMGenerator' * For more details, see corresponding source file PWMGenerator.c * */ #ifndef PWMGenerator_h_ #define PWMGenerator_h_ #include "rtwtypes.h" #include "rtw_extmode.h" #include "sysran_types.h" #include "rtw_continuous.h" #include "rtw_solver.h" #include "PWMGenerator_types.h" #include "PWMGenerator_cal.h" #include /* Block signals for model 'PWMGenerator' */ struct B_PWMGenerator_c_T { real_T FijacinDouble; /* '/Fijación Double' */ real_T Sum1; /* '/Sum1' */ boolean_T PWM; /* '/PWM' */ }; /* Real-time Model Data Structure */ struct tag_RTM_PWMGenerator_T { const char_T **errorStatus; /* * Timing: * The following substructure contains information regarding * the timing information for the model. */ struct { boolean_T *stopRequestedFlag; } Timing; }; struct MdlrefDW_PWMGenerator_T { B_PWMGenerator_c_T rtb; RT_MODEL_PWMGenerator_T rtm; }; /* Model reference registration function */ extern void PWMGenerator_initialize(const char_T **rt_errorStatus, RT_MODEL_PWMGenerator_T *const PWMGenerator_M, B_PWMGenerator_c_T *localB); extern void PWMGenerator(const real_T *rtu_Ondaobjetivo, const real_T *rtu_Ondaportadora, const real_T *rtu_Amplitud, real_T *rty_SealPWM, real_T *rty_MonitoreoPortadoraAmp, real_T *rty_MonitoreoPWMAmp1, B_PWMGenerator_c_T *localB); /*- * The generated code includes comments that allow you to trace directly * back to the appropriate location in the model. The basic format * is /block_name, where system is the system number (uniquely * assigned by Simulink) and block_name is the name of the block. * * Use the MATLAB hilite_system command to trace the generated code back * to the model. For example, * * hilite_system('') - opens system 3 * hilite_system('/Kp') - opens and selects block Kp which resides in S3 * * Here is the system hierarchy for this model * * '' : 'PWMGenerator' */ #endif /* PWMGenerator_h_ */