bancada-motores/Control/VF Control/VFControl_sg_rtw/rtmodel.h
Pedro Jose Romero Gombau 447269b383 Si
2024-10-28 11:36:48 +01:00

31 lines
1003 B

* rtmodel.h:
* Academic License - for use in teaching, academic research, and meeting
* course requirements at degree granting institutions only. Not for
* government, commercial, or other organizational use.
* Code generation for model "VFControl".
* Model version : 1.1
* Simulink Coder version : 24.1 (R2024a) 19-Nov-2023
* C++ source code generated on : Wed Oct 16 11:33:22 2024
* Target selection: speedgoat.tlc
* Note: GRT includes extra infrastructure and instrumentation for prototyping
* Embedded hardware selection: Intel->x86-64 (Linux 64)
* Code generation objectives: Unspecified
* Validation result: Not run
#ifndef rtmodel_h_
#define rtmodel_h_
#include "VFControl.h"
/* Model wrapper function */
/* Use this function only if you need to maintain compatibility with an existing static main program. */
extern void VFControl_step(int_T tid);
#endif /* rtmodel_h_ */